HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT YOU HAD THE 'RIGHT STUFF' TO COMPETE in an ultramarathon? ‘Ultras’’ are races longer than a marathon’s 26.2 miles (42.1K), and often are 50K (31.1miles), 50 miles, sometimes 100 miles or more in distance. The most famous (or infamous) are held in venues with extreme environmental conditions. Like the Andorra Ultra Trail Vallnord, a mountain challenge race in Europe’s 6th smallest country, with 44,000 feet of elevation gain and loss, highlighted in a article by Allison Pattillo.
However, did you know that some ultras will hold races of lesser distances in a ‘festival’ type of event, like 5K, 10K, and half-marathon races will be run on the same day/weekend as a marathon. In addition to the Andorra Trail Vallnord 100-mile event, there are 70- mile, 50-mile, and marathon races, and a 10K!!! Beware, the Solidaritrail 10K it not a piece of cake; it has 2,500 feet of climbing! The event was recently held in July 2016, so there’s time to plan your trip and train for 2017 (date not yet posted on the website). Below is a list of other ultra events featured in a 2008 Runner’s World article with upcoming race dates substituted for those originally published. Ice Age Trail 50 La Grange WI May 13, 2017 Farm to Farm Ultra Run Freeport, ME October 9, 2016 The North Face Endurance Challenge Eagle WI Sept 17-18, 2016 and Park City UT Sept 24-25, 2016 Chicago Lakefront 50/50 Ultra Chicago IL October 29, 2016 Kansas Ultrarunners Society November 12, 2016 JFK 50 Boonsboro MD November 19, 2016 OTHTC High Desert 50K and 30K Ultra Ridgecrest CA December 4, 2016 Tejas Trails (multiple races) Huntsville TX throughout the year Mississippi 50 Trail Run ( also 20K, 50K races) Laurel MS March 4, 2017 RUN HAPPY!
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Running, walking, and fitness activities enable us to experience our physical selves in a world mostly accessed through use of fingers on a mobile device. AuthorEARNED RUNS is edited and authored by me, runner and founder. In 1978 I began participating in 10K road races before 5Ks were common. I've been a dietitian, practiced and taught clinical pathology, and been involved with research that utilized pathology. I am fascinated with understanding the origins of disease as well as health and longevity. Archives
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