MAY IS ALREADY UNDERWAY and only now are the races being listed! This timing will likely not allow you to plan ahead to participate THIS year. Many, although not all, of the race walks are one of several competitions on one day that most commonly also include a running race of the same or longer distance. They often are annual events that may only recently have added a race walk that is not combined with the run, and has registration, course, start time, and/or awards separate from the run.
However, the annual nature of the events means that you can expect the same one to occur the next year and you can plan accordingly. This month there were quite a few USATF-sanctioned outdoor track and filed championship events on the USATF Calendar (my source for finding racewalks), probably because it's the end of the middle and high schools' sports year. Many are identified as primarily for youth and some for masters (above 40 years old) . I decided not to list these events as they seem to be part of a system that requires USATF membership for participation and therefore are not wholly the recreational events intended for this website. If parents are interested in track and field for their children the best approach may be through schools or the USATF itself. Walkers who wish to "up their game" may be attracted to this posting. BUT WHY MIGHT RUNNERS BE INTERESTED IN FINDING RACE WALKS? If you have a buddy or family member who has indicated they DO NOT WANT TO RUN, and do not want to run races, you might find an opportunity to compete together in an event that holds separate competitions! Sometimes being a "fun" walker in a 5K or 10K alongside runners is insulting to the serious walkers, who would prefer to compete and be rewarded for their serious efforts, just like the runners. YOU CAN ALSO USE EarnedRuns™ BIBS for this purpose! Below is the list, which will be added to information on the WALKERS page. Ruckers might check the GORUCK website for information on events. Disclaimer: race websites are often incomplete and registration is handled by outside race management companies. Races were included on the list if information given indicated a racewalk not fully combined within a running race. RUN and WALK HAPPY! May 6 10th Annual White Oak Classic 5k Run/2.5 Mile Walk, Silver Spring MD Participants must be an FDA employee, contractor, White Oak GSA or Air Force employee May 7 28th Annual Run/Walk for Hunger Cleveland OH Separate registration, no fee, non-competitive walk Cinco Cinco 5K Run/Walk, Fort Collins CO Separate registration Derby Dash 5K Walk Run, Williamston KY Age group awards to Top male and female runners and walkers in each age division. New Jersey Race Walk Series; 5K Harry Wright Lake, Whiting NJ Awards to Open, Masters, Juniors May 8, 2016 WMass 6th Annual Mother’s Day Half Marathon, Whately MA Separate registration, start time, age group awards May 14, 2016 20th Journeys Marathon, 13.1 Mile Power Walk, Eagle River WI Separate registration and results 29th Narrow River Road Race 5K Race Walk, Narragansett RI Separate registration and awards May 15, 2016 105th Coney Island Race Walks 5Mile Development/10 Mile Handicap, Brooklyn NY Entirely a walker event 18th Annual Stow Run For The Woods 5K Race Walk, Stow MA Separate registration, start time, awards May 30, 2016 Run to Climax, 2 Mile Race Walk, Climax MI Separate registration, race, course, awards
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Running, walking, and fitness activities enable us to experience our physical selves in a world mostly accessed through use of fingers on a mobile device. AuthorEARNED RUNS is edited and authored by me, runner and founder. In 1978 I began participating in 10K road races before 5Ks were common. I've been a dietitian, practiced and taught clinical pathology, and been involved with research that utilized pathology. I am fascinated with understanding the origins of disease as well as health and longevity. Archives
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