WANT SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR USING EARNED RUNS BIBS THIS SPRING? Check out potential Earned Runs EVENTS you can custom design for yourself, to which you might INVITE FRIENDS! Or, find an organized event to run near these dates.
February 14 - 19 “SAINTS’ DAYS” St Valentine’s Day 5K This is a 3.1-mile distance race or walking event that can be completed on St. Valentine’s Day (2/14/17) or any day through the upcoming weekend with your free Earned Runs bibs. Those training to run a Half Marathon in May with the Earned Runs plan will have their race on the schedule. March 12, 2017 “DAYLIGHT SAVING DASH” Celebrate the start of the time change that adds daylight to the later portion of the day with a distance race or walking event of 1 mile or 5K. Your clocks should be set to “spring forward” at 2am. Run or walk your event early in the morning at the later SUNRISE time, or in the evening at the later SUNSET time. March 10-19, 2017 “SAINTS’ DAYS” St. Patrick’s Day 10K This is a 6.25-mile distance race or walking event that can be completed on St. Patrick’s Day (3/17/17) or any day through the preceding or upcoming weekend with your free Earned Runs bibs. Those training to run a Half Marathon in May with the Earned Runs plan will have this race on the schedule. March 20, 2017 SPRINGTIME WARM-UP (5- 10 miles) Just like the position of the sun in the sky and the increased sunshine help to warm the earth and melt the frozen ground, runners can get warmed up for the new running season with an event that’s not a short 5k or a longer distance half marathon. Pick a distance between 5 and 10 miles and plan to run it about 10-15% slower pace than you would run a half marathon. (a 10-minute mile pace in the half would mean an 11-minute mile pace in this event). April 1, 2017 APRIL FOOL’S DAY NO FOOLING 50 (any distance) Demonstrate that you’re no fool. Get out today and test your resolve not to be silly about health. Run a serious 50 MINUTE Fartlek. April 2-5, 2017 (or later for first 2107 home games) MLB OPENING DAY MASH-UP (any distance) If you’re a runner who also loves major league baseball (hey Cubs’ fans), mark the start of the season with a personal race, run, or walk using Earned Runs Bibs. Create an annual ‘ceremony’ to solemnize your team’s run at a championship this year with your own GOOD LUCK send-off effort. If your start time is prior to when the first pitch is thrown in a night game, you can head to the favorite local team hangout afterward. Or if it’s an afternoon game, set the distance and start time to coincide with everyone’s lunch breaks. Each person can run the distance that fits their schedule, but make a point to wear gear and meet up to watch the game. April 7, 2017 NATIONAL WALK TO WORK DAY EFFORT This national day was officially declared by US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Tommy G. Thompson, in 2004. Participating in this holiday means you are willing to spend 30 minutes walking. If you tend to ‘work’ at a coffee shop on many days, that’s a great spot to finish! April 17, 2017 CELEBRATE (USA RUNNING) TRADITION RUN (any distance) The Boston Marathon is run annually on the day set aside in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as Patriot’s Day, the third Monday in April. This race was the original marathon to be patterned after the modern Olympics contest of 1896, and was first run in 1897. On this day in the United States, anyone can celebrate the tradition of competitive long distance running. Without necessarily covering 26.2 miles, achieving a qualifying time, or being in that location, run or walk in sprit with those in Boston with a personal custom race + Earned Runs bib. Start your race at 9:32am (elite women start time) or 10am (elite men start time). DON’T LET INTER-CITY MARATHON RIVALRY GET IN YOUR WAY. Today needn’t be about the city of Boston itself, but about the running history which began with that event. April 22, 2017 EARTH DAY EARNED RUN (any distance) Feel free to name this anything you like, but since Earned Runs promotes earth-friendly running, we will make a claim to some ownership. This is one of the best excuses to gather your friends and neighbors and walk-run your way along a favorite running course, or one that sadly needs a lot of effort at beautification, cleaning up trash as you go. Make Mother Nature proud! May 5, 2017 DAY OF 5THS FIVE (5miles or 5 K) Of course, today is the celebration of the Cinco De Mayo holiday, but this date can also be an opportunity to be happy about the 5th day of the 5th month, and your ability to finish the 5th kilometer or the 5th mile of a personal Earned Runs race, run, or walk. Afterward, join everyone else enjoying the festivities of CDM! May 12-14, 2017 MOTHERS CHOICE COMPETITION (5K) Moms, since your family is often willing to do what YOU want this weekend, ask everyone to accompany you on a nature walk-run, without electronic devices. Keep the pace at slow enough to allow laughing, joking, talking together. Request that they wear Earned Runs bibs decorated like Mother’s Day cards. Estimate the money that would have been spent on cards and treat everyone to an icy dessert (slushy, ice cream cone, popsicle, etc.)or make a charity donation. Since the full weekend is yours to command, there is plenty of time to enjoy other activities as well. May 29, 2017 MEMORIAL DAY REMEMBRANCE (mile, 5K, or 10K) This federal holiday is for remembering the men and women who DIED while serving their country in the Armed Forces (compared with Veterans Day, in which the SERVICE of all U.S. military, veterans and active, is celebrated). It’s a solemn day. US flags and wreaths are placed at gravesites. Many remember others who have passed away in their lives, including non-military. One way to do this by running or walking at quiet times, like sunrise or sunset, when we can reflect back on their lives Check out Facebook for these 'events'. Show friends you're interested in one or more, and get something going as the days warm and the sun's rays brighten. RUN HAPPY! Earned Runs BIB use event suggestions February through May 2017
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Running, walking, and fitness activities enable us to experience our physical selves in a world mostly accessed through use of fingers on a mobile device. AuthorEARNED RUNS is edited and authored by me, runner and founder. In 1978 I began participating in 10K road races before 5Ks were common. I've been a dietitian, practiced and taught clinical pathology, and been involved with research that utilized pathology. I am fascinated with understanding the origins of disease as well as health and longevity. Archives
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